For all emergencies call 111 and state you are 306 Motel Apartments, 306 Riccarton Road, and your apartment number!

Doctor and Medical Information

Doctor The nearest doctor is located at Riccarton Clinic and After Hours  6 Yaldhurst Road  Ph: 03 343 366 

Hospital: Christchurch Public Hospital  364 0640 

Doctor:   24 Hour Surgery   365 7777 

Dentist:  Church Corner Dental Surgery 348 5750 

Chemist: 24 Hour Surgery      365 7777 

Duty Manager / after hours contact   

Phone the motel line on 03 3434 306 

 The phone outside reception will also connect you to us. 


There is Emergency information and Health Checklist in every room 

Also from your room, you can use your cellphone and dial 111. T

The emergency operator will request which service, Fire, Ambulance or Police you require – please advise Reception of the emergency.  



A detailed fire escape map is located in your room. If evacuation is necessary, please proceed quickly and calmly to the nearest exit and assemble in the carpark, by the Main sign, all guests will be accounted for at this point. 


First Aid 

A full first aid kit is available at the reception desk. 


Earthquake Procedure 

In the case of a serious earthquake move to the emergency gathering area identified in the Fire Evacuation notice in the room. If you are unable to do this stand under the nearest doorway until the shockwaves 



Doctor and Medical Information

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